

Artwork Requirements

Uploaded Artwork Will Print As It Is Provided
Upload Print

Your artwork file will be sent to the printer, unless you select the "Help From Designer" option.

We will not be responsible for any issues related to the artwork or file setup.

Only Include Artwork You Want Printed - At Exact Size
Artwork Guidelines

Do not include artwork notes, multiple copies of artwork, multiple layers, etc...

(Multiple copies or layers are allowed on Gang Sheet uploads)

Artwork Should Have Hard Edges
Box 3 ImageA hard, defined edge in your artwork will give you the best looking result. Transparencies or soft edges that fade into the garment or background will show white ink when transferred onto a dark colored garment.
Do Not Use Transparencies
Box 4 ImageArtwork or designs with transparencies or fade effects that blend into the garment or background, will not print out as it appears on screen. Any pixel or spot of color in your design will have white ink printed behind it, so the garment/background color will not show through. Because of this, we do not recommend this effect.

Backgrounds In Artwork Will Be Printed
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Any backgrounds included in the artwork file will print (even if they are just to represent the garment color). If you do not want a solid background printed, save your file using a format that allows transparencies - .PDF, .PNG
NOTE: .JPG and .JPEG files have solid backgrounds. Use your design software to remove the background and save the file in one of the formats above.

Use CMYK colors - Pantone and RGB Are Not Recommended
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USE CMYK COLOR VALUES FOR THE CLOSEST MATCH WHEN PRINTING.Using any other color palettes (RBG, Pantone, Spot, etc...) come with a high risk of color shifts when printing. Non CMYK color values are converted to CMYK before printing which often results in colors that are much different from what you see on screen. Using CMYK color values in your design file will avoid this conversion issue and minimize the risk of color shifts when printing.
Dark colors like Navy, Brown, Maroon, etc... often print much darker than what you see on screen, sometimes looking almost black. You can compensate for this by making those colors lighter.

Convert Fonts to Curves / Outlines
Box 7 ImageConvert all fonts in your file to curves/outlines. This only applies to Vector file types, like PDF.
Minimum design size is 0.25 in. x 0.25 in. (6.5mm x 6.5mm)
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The smallest individual design or logo we allow is 0.25 inch x 0.25 inch (6.5mm x 6.5mm).If your overall design / artwork has pieces that are smaller than 0.25 in. x 0.25 in., that is OK.

Maximum artwork/design width is - 20 in. (50.8cm)
Box 9 ImageThe widest we can prints is 20 inches (50.8cm). The max length of our Per Piece is 22 inches (55.8cm). For longer lengths, please order one of our Gang Sheets.
Minimum line thickness is 0.02 in. (0.5mm)
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Artwork line thickness should be at least 0.02 in. (0.5mm) or thicker. Any part of the artwork thinner than this will likely NOT print or transfer to the garment. To ensure enough ink gets printed and transferred onto the garment, we recommend making lines THICKER than 0.02 in.

You can check your design by making a 0.02 inch circle and moving it over your artwork. If the circle overlaps elements of your design, then they are too thin.

Click the image to see an example.

Make Your Artboard / Page the Same Size As Your Design
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Before uploading your artwork file, be sure the page/artboard is the same size as (or slightly larger than) your design. When uploading and adding your file in our Designer Studio, the program will fit your file within the size you selected on the Product Page.
Any extra space included on the page/artboard will cause the design to shrink and print smaller than the size you input.

You Do Not Need To Mirror Your Design
Box 12 ImageYou do not need to mirror your design unless that is how you want it to look when pressed on the garment. We automatically mirror all designs before printing.

Artwork Expectations

Printed Colors Often Do Not Match Your Screen
Box 13 ImageThe colors on your screen (computer, tablet, or phone) are not an accurate representation of how your artwork will print. Colors on your screen are displayed in RGB color mode and are backlit, making them appear brighter and more vivid. USTP Transfers are printed using CMYK color inks. So while some colors might print how they look on screen, we cannot guarantee they will be similar or match.
We Do Not Color Match
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We do not match colors for USTP prints. This includes spot colors, Pantones, matching colors of other products we distribute, or even matching USTP prints between production runs. We suggest a sample run if you have any concerns about specific coloring, or you can download our USTP Color Chart.
This basic color chart can be ordered as a USTP Transfer. It will give you a general idea of which CMYK values to use. But because these values can vary while printing, there is no guarantee of an exact color match.

Transfers Will Come Together On A Roll
Box 15 ImageYou can upload a single image design file OR a design file with multiple images, but the transfers will be shipped to you on a roll, not cut apart.
Help Is Available From Our Designers
Box 16 ImageTo get help from our team of artists/designers, choose the option on the Product Page - "Help From Designer > Yes Review My Design".A non-refundable fee will be charged for our team to review your file and make minor adjustments within a 30 minute timeframe. If more extensive changes or multiple proofs are needed there will be additional fees for each 30 minutes worth of work.
Acceptable File Types & Formats
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We accept several different file types, but some work better than others. If you are submitting a raster fil (PNG, JPG, etc..), it is best to save them at 300dpi at the desired size. Below is a list of our Preferred File Types and others we accept. PREFERRED FILE TYPES - Vector = PDF Raster = PNG (300dpi) / OTHER ACCEPTED FILE TYPES - Raster = JPG, JPEG, GIF